When a team, an idea, a piece of a concept win their own space, their own body, when the world allows them to exist, provides the beginning of their story and their blank page, it all starts to make sense, you invest all you can, you ambition more and the fight to always be better begins.
Our history had its starting point in 1999. It started as an academic project by two designers. One from Alcobaça and the other from Guimarães. As a sketch defined by apparently random lines that hide their objective till the last minute, we created a design, multimedia and global image studio. Our main guidelines where and still are a very high level of quality, a quality / price relation that adds value to our customers, absolute transparency and precision.
A year later we were rewarded by the direct relationship between our objectives and principles and an enormous effort, full dedication, commitment and disproportionate perfectionism that can only come from an unconditional passion for what we do. We were rewarded with the first prize "EXCELLENCE AWARD GOLD," during the 2000 Golden Image Awards, SGIA's 21st Annual Awards Competition, held annually by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA). It is the industry's most coveted prize of screen and image graphic world and is considered the Oscar in each of the categories. Each competitor work is evaluated in terms of its own merit and takes into account criteria such as imagination, impact, arts, harmony, sensitivity, complexity and quality at all levels.
Since then we have seen our work also acknowledged by very positive criticism and by numerous awards through our web design projects, a solid list of satisfied clients with whom we have long-lasting partnerships.
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